Financial partners
Reach previously inaccessible customers with MiKashBoks.
How it works
Our users build up a credit history in the app.
You can offer existing products within the app – including loans and insurance – or build innovative services targeted to your customers’ needs.
We make these available on our Marketplace.

Benefits of partnering with MiKashBoks

Many potential customers are hard to reach – often in remote areas – and difficult to service

MiKashBoks enables you to connect with these users and they can shop your products from our app

Seemingly risky customers can prove their viability by choosing to show you their history in saving groups

This gives you access to new customers at a lower cost to service
Are you precluded from engaging with prospective customers living in remote areas? MiKashBoks enables you to connect with these users and they can shop your products from our app.
MiKashBoks enables you to connect with these users and they can shop your products from our app
Seemingly risky customers can prove their viability by choosing to show you their history in saving groups.
This gives you access to new customers at a lower service cost.